When it comes to cities providing the backdrop for American movies,
arguably only New York and Los Angeles have proven more popular with
filmmakers than Las Vegas. With its flashing neon strips, 24-hour casinos
and the surrounding desert, Vegas is one of America's most visually iconic
Several thrillers have chosen Vegas as their setting, and we're taking a
look at three you might have overlooked. If you want to experience some
Vegas style thrills without leaving home, head over to
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some thrills without the danger the characters in the following movies get
themselves into.
Wild Card
If Jason Statham is headlining a movie you know it's going to feature some
bone-breaking action, especially if it's fromt he director of Con Air, Simon
West. 2015's Wild Card is based on the novel Heat by acclaimed screenwriter
William Goldman, which had previously been made with Burt Reynolds in 1986.
Statham fills Reynolds' shoes here but foregoes a mustache. He plays Nick
Wild, a Vegas-based bodyguard who spends his nights in the local casinos.
When an escort friend of Wild's is assaulted by some gangsters, he sets out
to track down the men responsible, resulting in a bloody climax.
Hostel: Part III
While the first two entries in the gruesome Hostel series had been set in
Eastern Europe, the franchise returned to home soil for a Vegas-set third
instalment. Directed by Scott Spiegel, who knows a thing or two about horror
having co-written '80s classic Evil Dead II, the film follows the formula of
the first two movies. Four men attending a bachelor party in Vegas are
seduced by a pair of hookers who invite them to a "private party." This
leads to the quartet becoming the prey in a hunt organised by a group of
rich hunters. You'll be watching through your fingers by the end.
Kill Me Again
In the late '80s and '90s director John Dahl almost single-handedly revived
the dormant film noir genre with movies like Red Rock West, The Last
Seduction and 1989's Kill Me Again. The latter stars real life couple Val
Kilmer and Joanne Whalley-Kilmer, along with future Reservoir Dog Michael
Madsen. Madsen and Whalley-Kilmer play Vince and Fay, a criminal couple who
steal a large sum from a Vegas mobster. When Fay absconds with the money she
hires private investigator Jack Andrews (Kilmer) to fake her death. When Fay
cheats Jack out of his earnings, he follows her to Vegas, but and angry
Vince isn't far behind. It all leads to classic downbeat noir ending.