The Movie Waffler The Movie Waffler: Infographics

Just How Possible IS a Zombie Apocalypse? [Infographic]

Zombies are kind of a big deal right now. From the stumbling corpses on 'The Walking Dead' to the sprinting rage puppets seen in the gaming world, zombies have made a real imprint in our culture of late. They are ugly, deadly and strangely loveable in their own special way and their arrival is usually heralded by some catastrophic event of globally devastating proportions.

Infographic - The Most Iconic Cars in Hollywood History!

Some of Hollywood's biggest action movies have featured cars that captured the public imagination. This infographic highlights some of the most memorable vehicles to grace the screen.

Infographic - Cinema's Most Iconic Dresses

Fashion and cinema have gone hand in hand almost since the invention of the medium. This infographic, designed by Ashley Romo for Ever Pretty, takes a look at some of the most iconic.

Infographic - What If Superheroes Made Injury Claims?

The latest superhero movie to hit Blu-Ray and DVD is 'Wolverine', arriving November 18th.

Infographic - What if Wolverine Couldn't Heal?

The folks at put together this graphic detailing a "what if?" scenario regarding the damage inflicted on Hugh Jackman's Wolverine through the X-Men and Wolverine movies.

Infographic - Flat Panel TVs Explained

Most movie lovers have a flat panel TV in our living rooms, but do we know how they work? All is explained in this nifty infographic.

Infographic - Power Tools In Horror Movies

The folks over at put together this infographic detailing the varied use of power tools in the horror genre.

Infographic - Hitchcock's 39 Stats

Designers Adam Frost and Zhenia Vasiliev created this incredibly detailed infographic* that outlines Hitch's many recurring obsessions.

Infographic - What the Flux?

Ever wondered how 'Back to the Future's Flux Capacitor works?

Infographic - The Saga of Superman

The folks over at shared this informative graphic with us, packed with info on the history and lore of the Man of Steel.

Infographic - Audi in the Movies

Audi cars have been featured in some of the biggest action movies of recent years. This infographic takes a detailed look at some of the most notable examples.