Italian filmmaker Sergio Martino is best known for his work in the
giallo genre with films like Torso,
The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh
and All the Colours of the Dark, but in 1975 he dabbled in the political thriller with
Silent Action. Inspired by the failed 'Golpe Borghese' coup of 1970, the film stars Luc Merenda and
Tomas Milian as a pair of cops investigating the suspicious deaths
of a series of military officials.
Newly restored in 2K, Silent Action makes its global
blu-ray debut on April 12th courtesy of
Fractured Visions.
Bonus features include a commentary on Eurocrime fandom by filmmaker Mike Malloy; a featurette on
the 'Age of Lead'; interviews with Martino, Merenda and composer Luciano Michelini; archival featurette: The Milian Connection.
The limited edition (3000 copies) comes in a collector's edition slipcase
along with a soundtrack CD and collector's booklet with new essays by Eugenio Ercolani and Francesco Massaccesi.
Check out the new trailer and artwork below.
The official synopsis reads:
When high-ranking military officials turn up dead, all from apparent suicides or suspicious accidents, it’s down to Inspector Giorgio Solmi (Luc Merenda, The Violent Professionals) to find out what’s happened to them. Aided by Captain Mario Sperli (Tomas Milian, Almost Human), the two men soon find themselves in the midst of a deadly political scandal that threatens to bring Rome to its knees.