The Movie Waffler Infographic - The Evolution Of Boba Fett | The Movie Waffler

Infographic - The Evolution Of Boba Fett

The team at have shared with us another great Star Wars infographic, this time examining one of the saga's most beloved characters - bounty hunter Boba Fett.

Besides the dark, sloping helmet of Darth Vader, there are few things more villainous and iconic in the Star Wars universe than Boba Fett. Officially introduced in the second film of the original trilogy, The Empire Strikes Back, the rollout of Boba Fett to the already ravenous fandom in the late 1970s was a carefully orchestrated affair. Before the film, Fett appeared in cartoons, action figures, and even in a small-town parade. Lucasfilm clearly intended for Fett to be a memorable character. There is no stronger evidence to this fact than the many revisions the character went through before his debut in Empire. See how the galaxy’s most fearsome bounty hunter arrived at his influential look with this evolution of Boba Fett infographic.

 Evolution of Boba Fett
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