The Movie Waffler The Movie Waffler: Retro Reviews

Blu-Ray Review - AND SOON THE DARKNESS (1970)

And Soon the Darkness review
A young British tourist attempts to solve the mystery of her friend's disappearance in a small French village.

Blu-Ray Review - FRIGHT (1971)

fright 1971 review
A babysitter is menaced by an escaped lunatic.

Blu-Ray Review - THE MAJOR AND THE MINOR (1942)

the major and the minor review
After posing as a child to afford her train fare, a woman finds herself forced to maintain her masquerade at a military academy.

Video Essay Analyses FULL METAL JACKET's 'Meaning Through Action'

full metal jacket video essay
New video essay explores how Kubrick uses a climactic action sequence to illustrate his film's theme.