The Movie Waffler The Movie Waffler: Amazon

New to Amazon Prime Video - ESCAPE ROOM

escape room review
Six strangers get more than they bargained for when invited to an elaborate escape room.

New to Amazon Prime Video - THE REPORT

the report review
A political staffer is charged with compiling a report on the CIA's torture methods.

New to Amazon Prime Video - 21 BRIDGES

21 bridges review
In an attempt to trap a gang of cop killers, the island of Manhattan is shut off from the rest of New York City.

New to Amazon Prime Video - BEAST OF BURDEN

beast of burden review
Desperate for the money to pay for his wife's treatment, a pilot accepts a drug-running errand.

New to Amazon Prime Video - UNFRIENDED

unfriended review
Six friends are targeted during a skype call by the vengeful spirit of a girl who committed suicide one year prior.

New to Amazon Prime Video - WOMAN ON THE RUN

woman on the run review
A wife searches for her estranged husband when he flees after witnessing a murder.