Following the crucifixion of Jesus, a Roman soldier investigates the
disappearance of his body.
Review by
Eric Hillis
Directed by: Kevin Reynolds
Starring: Joseph Fiennes, Tom Felton, Peter Firth, Cliff

In recent years, movies aimed at a Christian audience have been making an increasingly significant impact at the US box office. Much like horror movies, these films have a guaranteed audience, with many Churches busing their congregations en masse to Sunday afternoon screenings. Such films generally fade away after that opening weekend, but given their low budgets, the cash taken on that first Sunday is enough to turn a huge profit. Whether or not the people making these films actually believe in their messages is debatable, but what's for sure is that, with the exception of Darren Aronofsky's Noah, which didn't court the Christian crowd in such a specific way, the movies have been made by journeymen and are low on production value.

Set in the immediate aftermath of Jesus's crucifixion and subsequent disappearance of his corpse from its cave tomb, a ruthless servant of Rome, Tribune Clavius (Fiennes) is drafted in to investigate the disappearance and quell a potential uprising among the Israelites ahead of the arrival of Caesar on a Middle Eastern visit. What follows is a largely fascinating and unique take on a well-worn story, one that had this non-believer fully invested. Reynolds and co-writer Paul Aiello do a magnificent job in creating the verisimilitude of this specific time and place; you can almost taste the dust, and small details like the blood red Roman seal applied to the ropes keeping a heavy rock in place in front of Jesus's tomb remind us of what a visually interesting filmmaker Reynolds is.

While it's a gritty and bloody movie, surprisingly so for a film aimed at Church congregations, Reynolds injects some wry humour in much the same way Spielberg did with Schindler's List, and a hilarious gag about Mary Magdalene's 'career' probably won't go over well with the target audience. Not so effective is a pair of comedy guards, whose broad English working class accents really snap you out of the movie. If there's one aspect that's dogged Reynold's work it's his tin ear when it comes to accents (Costner's Robin Hood anyone?).

Risen is on Amazon Prime Video
UK/ROI now.