The Movie Waffler The Movie Waffler: Shudder

New Release Review [Shudder] - THE TOLL

the toll review
An Uber driver and his passenger are menaced by a mysterious force on a country road.

New Release Review [Shudder] - SON

son review
When her son is stricken by a mysterious condition, a young mother believes the cult she once fled from has caught up with her.

New Release Review [Shudder] - AN UNQUIET GRAVE

an unquiet grave review
A grieving widower attempts to resurrect his dead wife with the aide of her identical twin sister.

New to Shudder - THE RECKONING

the reckoning review
Accused of being a witch, a widow battles both a cruel witch-hunter and the devil himself.

New to Shudder - RELIC

relic review
An elderly woman begins to behave in a way that suggests something more than the onset of senility.

New to Shudder - THE FUNERAL HOME

the funeral home review
A family has learned to live with the spirits that haunt their funeral home, but a disturbing new presence has arrived.