The Movie Waffler The Movie Waffler: Lists

Six Movies That Dared To Test Audience Boundaries

 elle isabelle huppert
As Elle hits UK home entertainment, we look at some of cinema's most boundary-pushing movies.

12 Cinematic Auteurs Who Made Great TV In The Pre-TWIN PEAKS Era

alfred hitchcock
David Lynch was by no means the first master of cinema to leave his mark on the small screen.

Seven Of Modern Cinema & TV's Biggest Battle Scenes

the great wall movie
As the Chinese action epic The Great Wall arrives on UK home video, we look at some of the biggest battles to grace the screen in recent decades.

Five Sequels That Kept Fans Waiting

t2 trainspotting
To mark the UK home video release of T2 Trainspotting, we look at more sequels that made audiences wait.

The Best Music Of TRAINSPOTTING & T2

As T2 Trainspotting hits UK home video, we take a listen to the iconic soundtracks of it and its 1996 predecessor.

Movie Monsters Through The Ages

With The Great Wall about to hit home entertainment we take a look at some of cinema's most memorable monsters.

10 Great Cannes Palme d'Or Winners

10 of the most memorable movies to take home the top prize at the world's most prestigious film festival.