The Movie Waffler The Movie Waffler: Infographics

Infographic - Flat Panel TVs Explained

Most movie lovers have a flat panel TV in our living rooms, but do we know how they work? All is explained in this nifty infographic.

Infographic - Power Tools In Horror Movies

The folks over at put together this infographic detailing the varied use of power tools in the horror genre.

Infographic - Hitchcock's 39 Stats

Designers Adam Frost and Zhenia Vasiliev created this incredibly detailed infographic* that outlines Hitch's many recurring obsessions.

Infographic - What the Flux?

Ever wondered how 'Back to the Future's Flux Capacitor works?

Infographic - The Saga of Superman

The folks over at shared this informative graphic with us, packed with info on the history and lore of the Man of Steel.

Infographic - Audi in the Movies

Audi cars have been featured in some of the biggest action movies of recent years. This infographic takes a detailed look at some of the most notable examples.