The Movie Waffler New Trailer and Poster for New Zealand Horror LOOP TRACK | The Movie Waffler

New Trailer and Poster for New Zealand Horror LOOP TRACK

New Trailer and Poster for New Zealand Horror LOOP TRACK
New trailer for Thomas Sainsbury's Kiwi chiller.

Written and directed by Thomas Sainsbury, Loop Track sees Sainsbury cast himself as Ian, a troubled man who enters the woods of New Zealand hoping to get away from civilisation. Encountering a group of hikers, Ian grows paranoid that someone or something is stalking them.

The film also stars Hayden J. Weal, Tawanda Manyimo, Kate Simmonds, Noa Campbell, Bianca Seinafo and Gaby Solomona.

Loop Track is on US VOD from December 1st. A UK/ROI release has yet to be announced.

Check out the trailer and poster below.

The official synopsis reads:

Ian, a man on the verge of a nervous breakdown, disappears from the world and takes a hike in the New Zealand wilderness. His efforts to avoid other hikers are futile and he is drawn into their worlds, but he can never shake the feeling that they are being stalked by someone, or something, sinister. As Ian’s paranoia grows, the other hikers become wary of him. He’s cagey about his past, he never sleeps, and his anxiety leads him to make concerning claims. Far from society, Ian starts to question his own sanity before plunging into a bloody battle for survival.

Loop Track poster