Directed by Bretten Hannam, Wildhood stars Phillip Lewitski as teenager Link, who discovers his mother may
still be alive and flees his abusive father with his half-brother Travis
(Avery Winters-Anthony) in tow. The film also stars Joshua Odjick and Michael Greyeyes.
"Wildhood is a story ripped from the scars of my youth," says Hannam. "I’ve been searching for family and heritage since I was little. The pain
and anger of growing up as a two-spirit person without them was only eased
by my relationship with the land, the animals, my grandmother, and other
elders. I’ve spent three decades reconnecting, reclaiming, and healing.
Wildhood is the culmination of that journey. Set mostly
outdoors in rural Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia during the height of summer,
Wildhood reflects our collective need for adventure,
building community, fighting for our freedoms, and healing through
reconnecting with the land."
Wildhood is in UK cinemas and on VOD from September
Check out the trailer and poster below.
The official synopsis reads:
In a rural east-coast trailer park, Link (Phillip Lewitski) lives with his toxic father and younger half-brother Travis (Avery Winters-Anthony). When Link discovers his Mi’kmaw mother could still be alive, it lights a flame and they make a run for a better life. On the road, they meet Pasmay (Joshua Odjick), a powwow dancer drawn to Link. As the pair journey across Mi’kma’ki, Link finds community, identity, and love in the land where he belongs.