The standout of the 2022 festival season for us has so far been
writer/director Colm Bairéad's Irish language drama An Cailín CIúin (The Quiet Girl). A remarkable feature debut, the film stars newcomer Catherine Clinch as a shy young girl sent to spend her summer with
distant relations. There she finds the family she's yearned for and been
denied in her real home.
Carrie Crowley, Andrew Bennett, Michael Patric and
Kate Nic Chonaonaigh also star.
An Cailín CIúin (The Quiet Girl) is in UK/ROI cinemas from
May 12th.
Check out the trailer and poster below.
The official synopsis reads:
AN CAILÍN CIÚIN (THE QUIET GIRL) tells the story of Cáit (Catherine Clinch) - a nine year-old girl from an overcrowded, dysfunctional family who is sent away to live with her mother’s relatives for the summer. She is welcomed with open arms by Eibhlín (Carrie Crowley), but her husband (Andrew Bennett) keeps Cáit at arms length. Slowly, but surely a warmth grows within this makeshift family and Cáit blossoms in their care. But in this house where there are meant to be no secrets, she discovers one painful truth.