Directed by Dash Shaw (High School Sinking into the Sea), animated feature Cryptozoo is set in an alternate world
inhabited by creatures known as "Cryptids". The film follows a zookeeper
(Lake Bell) who sets out to find an elusive Cryptid wanted by the
military for its ability to eat dreams.
The voice cast also features Michael Cera, Zoe Kazan, Grace Zabriskie, Alex Karpovsky, Peter
and Louisa Krouse.
Cryptozoo is on MUBI UK from October 22nd.
Check out the trailer and poster below.
The official synopsis reads:
Set in a world inhabited by both humans and rare mythical creatures known as “Cryptids”, it tells the story of Lauren, a zookeeper who has dedicated her life to finding and bringing these controversial beings under the protection of her sanctuary – the titular Cryptozoo. When she attempts to track down an elusive, dream-eating beast and bring it to safety, she enters into a dangerous mission to find it before it is captured and exploited by the military.