Denzel Washington steps behind the camera again to direct
A Journal for Jordan. The movie tells the true story of Sergeant Charles Monroe King (Michael B. Jordan), who kept a
journal for his infant son while serving in Iraq. Chanté Adams and Jalon Christian also star.
A Journal for Jordan won't hit UK/ROI cinemas until January,
2022, but you can watch the first trailer below.
The official synopsis reads:
A JOURNAL FOR JORDAN is based on the true story of Sergeant Charles Monroe King (Jordan), a soldier deployed to Iraq who begins to keep a journal of love and advice for his infant son.Back at home, senior New York Times editor Dana Canedy (Chanté Adams) revisits the story of her unlikely, life-altering relationship with King and his enduring devotion to her and their child. A sweeping account of a once-in-a-lifetime love, the film is a powerful reminder of the importance of family and the all-too-human cost of war.