Making its world premiere at next month's FrightFest is director
David Buchanan's genre-bending Laguna Ave. The movie stars Russell Steinberg as a hapless TV editor
introduced to a sinister new world by his downstairs neighbour.
"Laguna Ave. is very much a story for the present moment,
dealing with artificial intelligence, post-truth paranoia, the way that
technology separates us from our own bodies," says Buchanan. "But it also
grapples with more timeless themes such as drink, drugs, poo and dildos, so
basically there’s something in there for everyone. It’s a unique film that
could only have been made by this group of people, at this point in history.
We’re looking forward to showing it to the FrightFest audience."
Laguna Ave. premieres at FrightFest on August 27th.
Check out the trailer and poster below.
The official synopsis reads:
LAGUNA AVE. defies easy description. The film stars Russell Steinberg (ADVENTURELAND; DAY OUT OF DAYS; BELOW THE BELT (as “Johnny Fayva”) as Russell, a middle-aged, burned-out TV editor with a prosthetic hand who futilely searches for work in Hollywood's brutal, exploitative underbelly. His former boss (Paul Papadeas) owes him money, his partner Rita (Stephanie Brait) is indifferent, always out of town and inaccessible, and his new downstairs neighbor Gary (Jamie Hall/James Markham Hall Jr. (NEIGHBORS) keeps him awake at night with mysterious, disturbing noises. But everything changes one evening when Gary pays Russell a visit and introduces him to his sinister world of renegade accelerationism and a collection of outrageous, unstable but captivating fellow travelers and co-conspirators.