Directed by Mykee Morettini, Evil Everywhere is a horror-comedy
set in 1987 as three high schoolers must find a way to prevent themselves
becoming victims of an ancient evil that has resurfaced.
Dylan Greenberg (Return to Return to Nuke 'Em High), Corrinne Mica (Nightfall) and Brian Harmony (Awake) star.
Evil Everywhere is on US DVD and Digital from May 25th. A
UK/ROI release has yet to be announced.
Check out the trailer below.
The official synopsis reads:
In 1985, an ancient evil began slaughtering the high school senior class in alphabetical order - but it was stopped. Two years later it has resurfaced, and a trio of friends must join together against the demonic force that is claiming new young lives. But what they discover is more complicated and evil than any of them imagined.