The animal human connection is one of the most important bonds that mammals in the world share. Biologically, it doesn't make any sense why we're so invested in our pets, but it's a simple fact that most of us are absolutely enamored with them. For pet lovers, there's nothing better than seeing our animal friends and all their amazing traits featured on the big screen. Some of the best of these have left us wishing that we could add these gorgeous animals to our flocks, to make the most of their special talents and skills! These are the most unique and lovable pets to have ever hit the big screen, that would make great companions or even emotional support animals (or even ESA dogs). Have you seen these films? If not—grab some popcorn and get to it. You'll be glad you did!
1. Lassie
This classic tale of a Rough Collie that saves the day is a perfect example of pet heroism. Lassie in the ultimate supportive pet, keeping her young owner happy and safe during difficult times and even saving his life at the end of the movie! Rough Collies are known for being one of the smartest breeds of dog, and make perfect pets for those who want a loyal, intelligent dog as a companion animal or emotional support animal. The ultra trainable abilities of these gorgeous pups makes them a star on and off the screen in our eyes!
2. Old Yeller
A classic film featuring one of the most beloved breeds of dogs of all time, the Labrador, Old Yeller is the tale of a faithful pet who gives everything for his owner. Nicknamed 'Old Yeller' for his color and the sound of his bark, this leading dog character meets a sad end when he is attacked by a rabid wolf and consequently contracts the disease. However, this is a great (yet sad) movie that highlights the excellent dogs that are Labrador Retrievers, who make perfect service animals, support animals and family pets.
3. Air Buddy
Ever wanted a dog that is a talented athlete and team mascot to boot? Well, based on the true story of Golden Retriever Air Buddy, the movie Air Bud brings that dream to life. During this tale of a dog helping its teenage owner build the confidence to fit in at a new school, we see the beautiful nature of the breed. This movie reminds us how vital pets can be to our mental and emotional well-being, and how much they can help to bring us out of our shells.
4. Milo and Otis
The ultimate canine—feline duo, Milo and Otis are the cutest animal best friends that we've seen. Separated after growing up on farm, these two animals go on a heartbreaking quest to find each other again. This movie show Pugs and cats in a beautiful light, and also demonstrates that cats and dogs can get along too, despite what society may think.
5. Toto
Dorothy's faithful companion throughout her travels, Toto is an adorable Cairn Terrier who helped Judy Garland's character out of some tight spots. The dog who acted as Toto, otherwise known as Terry, was the star of 16 Hollywood movies, a prolific actor to say the least! This adorable breed is fairly rare, but could certainly be a great choice for a pet that has your back. Toto may not be in Kansas anymore, but we hope he is living it up in doggie heaven.
6. Beethoven
Beethoven is the lovable, slobbery pooch with a heart of gold. In this movie, the personality of the Saint-Bernard is goofy, hilarious and puts a smile on everyone's face. In fact, Beethoven is responsible for the transformation of one of the human characters in the movie, proving that dogs have the power to change our lives for the better. As a pet or an ESA, this is a wonderful skill for an animal to bring to our lives.
7. Salem
Ever wish you had a talking pet? Sabrina the Teenage Witch realized all our dreams with Salem, her sassy and wise-cracking black cat. While we may never get to talk to our pets, communicating with them is easy, especially with cats who love to 'chat' with their owners through meowing!
We wish we could have this ultimate line up of amazing pets at home on the couch with us right now. If you're looking for a pet, maybe you could take some inspiration from this list, choosing one of these awesome intelligent breeds to be your companion or even your emotional support animal. Animals show us the best versions of ourselves, and are comforting companions when we need them most. We hope that this article has helped to inspire you to find your perfect pet, or at least, inspired you to watch a great flick on the couch with your furry friend!