Review by
Eric Hillis
Directed by: Sebastián Lelio
Starring: Rachel Weisz, Rachel McAdams, Alessandro Nivola

A strong contender for the most overused premise in modern cinema is the one where the protagonist returns home, having lived in enforced or self-imposed exile, and confronts home truths. Admittedly, as worn out as this storyline is, it nevertheless continues to yield positive results, and in the past couple of years it's given us such quality dramas as Manchester By the Sea, 1985 and The Wild Pear Tree, and it continues to attract talented storytellers.

The reason for Ronit's return is the death of her father, the head Rabbi of a corner of London populated largely by Jews of the Orthodox persuasion. Set to take over her father's role is Ronit's childhood friend Dovid (Alessandro Nivola), who is now married to Esti (Rachel McAdams). As younger women, Ronit and Esti were lovers, leading to Ronit's banishment when her father walked in on the pair in a compromising position.

Weisz is excellent here as a raging firebrand, metaphorically upturning tables in the temple as she forces Esti to confront the life she's found herself trapped in, and Nivola sells his character's internal conflict of weighing up his religion's instructions with his own human decency. The weak point in the triangle is McAdams, partly because her role feels under-developed, but also because it's a struggle to believe the WASPish actress could be a part of this community, especially in an ensemble of performers who otherwise hail from Jewish backgrounds. There's also a notable age gap between Weisz and McAdams (though both actresses look 10 years younger than their real ages), yet we're asked to believe they were lovers as younger women, which makes us wonder if perhaps Esti was underage at the time, an important point the film never addresses.

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