The actor discusses his role in the new revenge thriller.

Who is Bad Frank and what makes him tick, Kevin?
Frank Pierce is a medicated, severely mentally-ill man. His life appears to be normal, but his internal issues are a daily battle, something his wife and friends know nothing of. He is disowned from family, of which he desperately makes every effort to reconnect with. The movie depicts the moments in Franks life, after several years of straight-living and a controlled lifestyle, when things begin to fall apart.
I immediately felt sympathetic for this man, because he becomes a victim of circumstance, which causes him to spiral downward. He does try valiantly to be 'good', but some people were just born with a bad bone...and that's Bad Frank.
What do you think Tony Germinario saw in you that made you the right man for the part?
I work really cheap, so... I'm not sure, never asked. Tony and producer Brandon Heitkamp both approached me with the role, told me the story, about Frank, and I was on board without reading the script. They're both genuine, talented guys, and I trusted them, having worked together in the past. Frank was a pretty heavy character to sit in, but I welcomed it, and was just appreciative they had confidence in me to play the role.
It’s a physically-challenging role, to say the least, but it’s also a rather emotional role. Did you find it draining?
It took its toll at times, yea. But that goes with the job. I like carrying the weight of a film, telling the story. I guess the physical and emotional repercussions are secondary to me. Don't really think about that when approaching or preparing a role.
Are you the type of actor that tends to stay in character between takes?
I just do what I need to do, and leave it at that. Really depends on the role. Stay close to it when I need to. I tend to work pretty instinctively so I just do what feels right. Sometimes it's out of insecurity too, just not fully settled yet, and I'm unabashedly guilty of that. But regardless how 'heavy' I go, I always maintain respect to those around me on set.
Did you insist on doing all the fight scenes yourself?
Didn't need to; we were working with a very low-budget and I was capable of handling everything. I do like doing my own stunts, still feel like a kid on a playground, but I try to be realistic about it. Stunt guys and gals are trained pros, and are there for a reason. I get pretty banged up here and there, but it makes me feel like I'm doing my job to the fullest. I should pull back sometimes.
How much ice was required in that bucket that soothed your hands between takes?
Haha...well now that you mention it, I blew out a hamstring, tore up my shoulder good, and lucked out with a concussion filming the last scene, so I guess I look like the fool now!
How it was working with legends like Ray ‘Boom Boom’ Mancini and Tom Sizemore? What do they bring to the movie?
Memorable. Sizemore brought his A-Game and he was incredible. Blew everyone away on set. And professional. We had such a talented cast and crew all around, no-one treated this film any less than special, regardless of the budget. Everyone came to hit home-runs. I was truly fortunate to be surrounded with such amazing, giving people. Both Tom and Ray were joys to be around. Ray showed up and gave a hell of a performance. By far his best work on film, and he was the talk of the festivals. It's great to see him get noticed playing my Dad, hell of a guy.
What’s next for you, Kevin?
Shot a great Thriller in London last month called False Witness, one of the best scripts I've ever had the pleasure to work on.
Just recently I was offered a nice role in the up-coming period-piece Asbury Park. Beyond excited to be a part of this one, lot of talk around town about it already...and then the film I produced and starred in called Dirty Dead Con Men, out later this year.
Bad Frank, starring Kevin Interdonato, Hollywood veteran Tom Sizemore, and former Boxing Champion Ray 'Boom-Boom' Mancini, will be available on iTunes and Amazon from July 7th.
You can Follow Kevin's career here:
Twitter: @KevinIntro
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Facebook: @KevinInterdonato