Evil Bong High-5, the latest in Full Moon Features’ smokin’ comedy series, premieres on DVD June 22nd.

EeBee the Evil Bong is back and she’s stoner… er… stronger than ever. With Larnell, Sarah Leigh, Rabbit, Velicity and a lobotomized Gingerdead Man trapped in her dastardly web of weed, The Bong World, for good, she once more sets about her plan of world domination. This time, one toke at a time. EeBee has outsmarted everybody who has outsmarted her. She teleports our hesher heroes back to earth to sell her magic ganja. But our bevy of baked soldiers, with the help of Hambo, the Badass Dolls and tons of surprises, have plans of their own and wage full-on guerilla weedfare. It’s up to our dopes to figure out Eebee’s new rules and stop her before humanity goes up in smoke. In the end, will our waster warriors celebrate with a HIGH-5? Or will they be down low and too slow?
Jacob Witkin, Luke Hutchie, Noelle Ann Mabry, and David Del Valle star in a Charles Band film, Evil Bong High-5 - on DVD from Amazon and Full Moon Direct 6/22.
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