This week on our twitter poll we asked "Will a filmmaker's actions/opinions dissuade you from seeing their work?" For example, have Charlotte Rampling's recent comments regarding the Oscars and diversity turned you off her as an actress, or maybe you refuse to watch Polanski movies because of his real life criminal actions? Here are the results:
Yes (39%)
A whopping two fifths of you are willing to skip the work of a filmmaker if you take umbrage with their real life persona.
@themoviewaffler I won't see anything with Mark Wahlberg or Sean Penn. Regardless of any actual skill, I won't support their paycheques.— Je Ne Sais Blah (@TheEmi1y) February 10, 2016
@themoviewaffler Putting money in the pocket of a child rapist certainly makes me feel uneasy.— Boner Vivant (@Doug_Tilley) February 10, 2016
No (61%)
But the majority of you can separate a filmmaker from their work.
@themoviewaffler Look at James Woods. He's turned into a ranting angry right wing old guy on Twitter but I'll never stop watching Videodrome— David Kuhne (@D_Khunne) February 10, 2016
@themoviewaffler @D_Khunne Yes, Polanski and Woody Allen films stand up no matter what the directors have done or said. Artists often flawed— Buffalo Tendencies (@Paul_Luke) February 10, 2016
@themoviewaffler Adopt that approach, one could disbar oneself from seeing any film. Also cross off experiencing any music, novel, art etc— Chris Hunneysett (@People_movies) February 10, 2016
@themoviewaffler No. where do you stop? do you ignore everything Coppola has hand a hand in due to his support for Victor Salva? ....— Lee (@UltimoLee) February 10, 2016
@themoviewaffler I always felt like the work (or art) should be viewed on it's merit, not the personal choices or beliefs of the artist.— Southern Horror (@SHorrorRoadshow) February 10, 2016
.@themoviewaffler First instinct was to say yes. But then I remembered I own Clownhouse, Powder and Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2 on DVD & Blu-ray.— Dan (@payingformovies) February 10, 2016
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