Review by Eric Hillis (@hilliseric)
Directed by: Denis Villeneuve
Starring: Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin, Benicio Del Toro, Daniel Kaluuya, Jon Bernthal
"As a story of a talented woman who comes to realise she's been given a job for reasons other than her professional skill, Sicario serves as an allegory Blunt, and so many, too many, female stars can sadly identify with."

With Netflix's latest original series Narcos and the Vice documentary Cartel Land, the Latin-American drugs trade, with its beyond horrific collateral damage, is very much in vogue. Now comes Denis Villeneuve's Sicario, in which Emily Blunt's FBI agent Kate Mercer is given, along with the audience, a tour of this hellish milieu in the company of the shadowy US forces tasked with keeping the situation under control, having at this point given up on ever winning the war on drugs.

It quickly becomes apparent that Mercer has been duped by these men, who repeatedly keep their intentions secret from Mercer and her partner Reggie (Daniel Kaluuya, the latest Black British actor to dupe us into believing he's African-American). An operation to snatch a Mexican druglord from Juarez ends in gunfire and bloodshed at the US border, the Mexican side left strewn with corpses as the Americans return home with their catch. Mercer voices her dislike of the gung-ho methods of Matt, who spins her the usual yarn of 'doing whatever it takes' to win this war. As the operations escalate, 'whatever it takes' comes to mean crossing more than just geographical borders.

Given relatively little dialogue for a lead in a major American movie, Blunt has her acting chops tested and comes up trumps. The increasing fear, confusion and paranoia of Mercer is rarely verbally expressed, but Blunt's face tells us all we need to know. Her acting during one of the movie's standout set-pieces - the border crossing massacre - is really something special, as Mercer goes from nervous spectator to unwilling participant. As her eyes traverse from possible Mexican hitmen (the Sicarios of the title) to her trigger happy new colleagues, we quickly learn all is not as clear cut as the line Mercer's superiors sold her.