Hot Property Films celebrates the World Premiere of its Indie Sci-Fi Brand New-U on 20th June at Edinburgh International Film Festival 2015 where it is in contention for the prestigious Michael Powell Award at this year’s festival. Brand New-U is created by the BAFTA winning team Writer / Director Simon Pummell (Bodysong, Shock Head Soul) and Producer Janine Marmot (Kelly + Victor, Bodysong, Shock Head Soul).
Starring Lachlan Nieboer (Cross of Honour, The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman) and Nora-Jane Noone (The Descent, The Magdalene Sisters, Savage), Brand New-U follows a man (SLATER) as he is brutally forced to move through a series of parallel lives. He becomes more and more obsessed as he tries to find the lover he lost, but what he must find in the end is himself.
The organisation BRAND NEW-U identifies networks of Identicals – “people who walk like you, talk like you, but are walking through different, better lives” - and helps their customers make a life upgrade: eliminating the Better-Life donor, and relocating their client to that Brand New life. But errors can occur, and a Brand New life can cost more than expected.
BRAND NEW-U takes elements of science-fiction movies and thrillers, strips them down, and re-mixes them into a looping dream-logic to create a contemporary allegory of our search for identity and human connection in our rootless, media-saturated worlds.
BAFTA winning Producer Janine Marmot said: "I’m thrilled that we’re premiering in Edinburgh as I love the festival, and it’s great that they are selecting science fiction in competition. It’s exciting to be part of the current debate across media questioning ‘Literature versus Popular Fiction’ and ‘Cinema versus Genre’ and we look forward to continuing to push those boundaries with our next film - an adaptation of William Gibson’s Dogfight.”
BAFTA winning Director Simon Pummell said: “As a film student I sat completely enthralled listening to Michael Powell talk about his LIFE IN THE MOVIES, and how he had brought into being films of extraordinary poetic imagery, that always portrayed reality through the prism of the fantastic. So it’s an especially meaningful honour to be nominated for the Michael Powell Award and to premier BRAND NEW-U in Edinburgh.”

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