Review by Eric Hillis
Directed by: Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano
Starring: Omar Sy, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Tahar Rahim, Izia Higelin
Starring: Omar Sy, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Tahar Rahim, Izia Higelin
"Samba asks us to believe that all black men look alike for the sake of a late plot twist, merely one of its many offensive beats. I've seen Charlie Chan movies from the '30s that are more racially sensitive than this travesty."

There's a low budget British sci-fi movie from 1966 called Invasion, which features a malevolent alien who assumes the guise of an Asian female. At one point she kills an Asian nurse and steals her uniform. The movie then assumes its audience will fall for the idea that she can pass off her new identity because they believe all Asians look alike. It's impossible to watch the film now without cringing at the ignorance at play, but the movie has the excuse of being made 50 years ago. We'll never see anything approaching this level of racial ignorance from a British movie again. On the evidence of Samba, however, it seems France is still stuck in the '60s in this regard, as it pulls off exactly the same trick, this time asking us to believe that all black men look alike for the sake of a late plot twist, merely one of its many offensive beats.

Charlotte Gainsbourg once more gets to play the role of damaged waif; this time she's France's worst immigration officer, Alice, an insomniac with a tendency to explode in fits of rage at work. How she's allowed to keep her job is never accounted for, but this isn't a movie that cares about such real world details. She gets the hots for Samba (Omar Sy), a handsome and charming illegal immigrant from Senegal who finds himself ordered to leave France and return home. It's a poorly drawn relationship between two stick figure characters whose narcissistic tendencies prevent us from caring about their plight. Alice only seems to care about Samba because he's a hunk, and shows no such interest in the well being of the other immigrants she deals with.