Review by Eric Hillis
Directed by: Andrew Niccol
Starring: Ethan Hawke, Bruce Greenwood, Zoe Kravitz, January Jones

Kiwi writer-director Andrew Niccol has spent most of his creative career in the realm of speculative sci-fi. Early works like Gattaca and The Truman Show won Niccol plaudits but since then he's struggled, delivering a series of mediocre (In Time, Simone) to downright awful (The Host) sci-fi flicks that failed to live up to their high concepts. With Good Kill he swaps future dystopia for that of the present (or at least 2010), exploring the controversial issue of the US military's increasing use of unmanned drones.

Once again Niccol has managed to fudge an intriguing premise. The movie clearly disapproves of the use of drones, but in a hypocritical fashion. Thomas seems more troubled about not commandeering an F16 than the many civilians he 'kills good'. We get the impression he believes in a Victorian sense of nobility in battle, that somehow killing with a manned jet fighter is less immoral than doing so with an unmanned drone. I'm pretty sure it makes no difference whatsoever to the victims. With Thomas's years of experience, surely he could get a pilot's job in civil aviation? But he makes no attempt to leave the airforce, preferring to mope about while knocking back vodka and driving his family away from him.

There is some interesting material here, chiefly in the exploration of how manning a drone creates a personal relationship with your target in a way flying a fighter plane doesn't. In the latter case you drop your load and get out of there, but with a drone you stick around to survey the damage wrought, often ordered to carry out a 'follow up', a fancy way of asking you to massacre whoever shows up at the scene of destruction. A subplot involving Thomas's growing obsession with a random Taliban fighter, who carries on a campaign of sexual abuse against a local woman ("He's a bad guy; he's just not our bad guy"), is by far the most enticing aspect of the movie. Far less interesting is the detailing of Thomas's disintegrating home life, a series of "Even when you're here, you're not here" arguments that we've seen in every movie dealing with military personnel lately.

There's a good movie waiting to be made on this subject, but Good Kill certainly isn't it.