Directed by: Dean Parisot
Starring: Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren, Anthony Hopkins, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Mary-Louise Parker, Helen Mirren, Byung-hun Lee, Neal McDonough, Brian Cox, David Thewlis

In recent years, Hollywood finally discovered that a market exists for their product outside of young American males. The success of 'Twilight' has resulted in a plethora of romantic fantasy movies specifically aimed at teenage girls. Films like 'The King's Speech' and 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' have seen an older audience demographic targeted. With the international cinema market now considered more important than its domestic American counterpart, big Hollywood films are now increasingly more likely to take place in cities like London, Hong Kong and Moscow than New York, Los Angeles or Chicago. (This summer it seems like every second release has a set-piece in London.)

The globetrotting antics of 'Red 2' feel shoehorned in purely to try and appeal to a global audience but what the producers should realize is that viewers might enjoy seeing their city on screen (I confess to enjoying seeing the Dublin streets I traverse on a daily basis in Soderbergh's 'Haywire', despite how awful the film was) but they won't appreciate having their culture repeatedly mocked and stereotyped in a series of performances which amount to a form of cultural minstrelism.
The traditional model has been to tailor the marketing of a film to its content but lately that's being reversed and 'Red 2' is the worst example I've witnessed so far. The entire film seems like it was built around a series of bullet points suggested by a market research firm; get some old folks in the door, entice those foreign folks with a multitude of locations, and sell as many products on the sly as possible so the movie can be flop proof. On the latter point, 'Red 2' takes product placement to new levels. A scene based in a popular Pizza chain was so shameless the film may as well have just cut to a commercial break.
With every set-piece coming off like a poor rip-off of better sequences seen in recent movies, a quality cast who seem utterly disinterested (Parker aside, who gives it her all, bless her) and plotholes that the screenwriters don't even attempt to explain, two films in it seems time to Retire this Extremely Dire franchise.
Eric Hillis