The Movie Waffler The 5 Best Movies of May 2013 | The Movie Waffler

The 5 Best Movies of May 2013

The five mainstream new releases most enjoyed by the Waffler this May.

5. A Hijacking
TMW said: "'A Hijacking' is another quality piece of drama from a country punching above its weight."

4. Behind the Candelabra
TMW said: "'Behind the Candelabra' feels like the work of a film-maker who just found his groove, rather than one packing up his viewfinder."

3. Simon Killer
TMW said: "Those who appreciate a film which allows you to fill in the blanks will be richly rewarded."

2. Populaire
TMW said: "In French, the word "entertainment" literally translates as "diversion" and, as diversions go, 'Populaire' is one this year's best."

1. Mud
TMW said: "'Mud' is easily the best movie about childhood since 'Stand By Me', a stunning portrayal of the confusion of entering manhood in a post-masculine world."