The Movie Waffler The Movie Waffler: Netflix

New to Netflix - MA

ma review
A middle-aged woman befriends a group of teens, but her sinister intentions soon become clear.

New to Netflix - BRIGHTBURN

brightburn review
An alien child raised in secret by a smalltown American couple begins to turn malevolent.

New Release Review [Netflix] - OXYGEN

Oxygen review
A woman finds herself trapped in a cryogenic unit with oxygen rapidly depleting.

New Release Review [Netflix] - LOVE AND MONSTERS

love and monsters review
A young man treks across a giant monster infested land to reunite with his old girlfriend.

New to Netflix - A STAR IS BORN

a star is born review
A rock star's alcoholism threatens his relationship with the singer he helped turn into a star.

New Release Review [Netflix] - RUN

run review
A sickly and disabled teen suspects her mother of exacerbating her conditions.

New Release Review [Netflix] - CONCRETE COWBOY

concrete cowboy review
A troubled teen is sent to live with his estranged father, an urban cowboy in Philadelphia.