The Movie Waffler First Trailer for THE DJINN Lets a Demonic Genie Loose | The Movie Waffler

First Trailer for THE DJINN Lets a Demonic Genie Loose

the djinn
First look at the new horror from directors David Charbonier and Justin Powell.

The djinn is a mythical creature from Arabic lore, but in recent decades Western viewers are probably more familiar with the djinn from the many movies that have portrayed the myth, from the Wishmaster series to the acclaimed Iranian horror Under the Shadow.

Co-directors David Charbonier and Justin Powell are the latest to adopt the creature for their sophomore feature The Djinn. Their film focusses on a mute 12-year-old boy (Ezra Dewey) who comes across a book of spells which promises his wish of gaining the ability to speak. But unfortunately he's also unleashed a djinn intent on stealing his soul.

The Djinn is in US cinemas and on VOD from May 14th. A UK/ROI release has yet to be announced.

Check out the trailer below.

The official synopsis reads:

The story follows a mute twelve-year-old, Dylan Jacobs, as he discovers a mysterious book of spells inside his new apartment. Grieving the loss of his mother, and feeling isolated from everyone except for his father, Dylan performs a ritual that promises to deliver his heart’s desire: to have a voice. But he soon discovers that every gift has a toll when a sinister djinn arrives to collect his soul. Now trapped in his new home with nowhere to hide, Dylan must find a way to survive until the stroke of midnight or pay the ultimate price.