The Movie Waffler Silent Classic THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME Makes Its UK Blu-Ray Debut - New Trailer and Artwork | The Movie Waffler

Silent Classic THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME Makes Its UK Blu-Ray Debut - New Trailer and Artwork

Silent Classic THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME Makes Its UK Blu-Ray Debut
The Lon Chaney classic makes its UK blu-ray debut in October.

Adapted from the novel by Victor Hugo, director Wallace Worsley's 1923 The Hunchback of Notre Dame made a superstar of Lon Chaney in the title role. The movie proved a massive hit for Universal, inspiring the studio to follow the "monsters" path that would lead them to their iconic later hits.

Newly restored in 4K, The Hunchback of Notre Dame makes its UK blu-ray debut on October 17th courtesy of Eureka Entertainment.

Bonus features include a score by Nora Kroll-Rosenbaum and Laura Karpman; new audio commentary with author Stephen Jones and author/critic Kim Newman; new interview with film historian Jonathan Rigby; new interview with Newman on the many adaptations of Hugo's novel; and a collector’s booklet featuring a new essay by journalist Philip Kemp, illustrated with archival imagery.

Check out Eureka's new trailer and artwork below.

The official synopsis reads:

Lon Chaney stars as Quasimodo, the mocked and vilified bell-ringer of Notre Dame who selflessly protects the star-crossed street performer Esmerelda (Patsy Ruth Miller), who is in an ill-fated love affair with the dashing Captain Phoebus (Norman Kerry).

The Hunchback of Notre Dame bluray