Review by
Eric Hillis
Directed by: Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead
Starring: Callie Hernandez, Tate Ellington, Lew
Temple, Emily Montague, James Jordan, Justin Benson, Aaron

Moorhead and Benson isn't an accountancy firm, as the moniker might suggest. Together, the writing/directing/acting duo of Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson have formed one of the most fascinating filmmaking forces to emerge over the last decade. The pair gained much acclaim for their second film, 2014's Spring. A Lovecraft meets Linklater hybrid in which a young American falls for a mysterious Italian girl who is secretly a tentacled creature feeding off tourists, it's one of the most romantic movies to ever come out of the horror genre.
In the films of Moorhead and Benson, humans struggling with earthly problems - grief, poverty, addiction - find there are forces greater than us at play in our world. The duo's third film, The Endless, is a sequel to their 2012 debut Resolution. That movie tells the story of Mike (Peter Cilella), who receives a strange and worrying video that suggests his troubled junkie friend Chris (Vinny Curran) is on the verge of committing suicide. Mike tracks Chris down to a remote cabin, handcuffing his friend to the wall to force him into cold turkey. When Mike and Chris begin receiving inexplicable messages through various media forms, ranging from vinyl records to VHS tapes, they discover a strange unearthly force is at play in the surrounding area.

A seemingly throwaway scene in Resolution saw Mike stumble
upon a group of men, members of a cult based in the locality.
The Endless follows up on this moment, with two of the cult
members - played by Moorhead and Benson using their own first names - living
humdrum lives 10 years after fleeing the cult. As with
Resolution, a video arrives in the post that seems to suggest the cult members are
about to pull a Jonestown style mass suicide, and after much badgering, the
younger Aaron encourages his weary older brother Justin to accompany him
back to the commune they grew up in.
On arrival, the cult seems like a typical commune setup, populated by people who probably couldn't function in normal life, but it soon becomes apparent a supernatural power is present in the surrounding area.

In both Resolution and The Endless, Benson and Moorhead draw from various sources. A lazy comparison would be David Lynch, particularly Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive, but perhaps the most explicit influence is Alain Resnais' surreal classic Last Year at Marienbad, which set the template for head-melting dramas in which characters become trapped between indefinable temporal and spatial boundaries. Both films also play like a very American riff on the very British folk-horror genre that was popular in the '70s. The cult aspect of The Endless makes it impossible not to think of The Wicker Man, but thematically, with its exploration of astrophysics, time loops and a supernatural force in the land itself, it appears to owe a heavy debt to the cult kids' show Children of the Stones.

With the nature of time playing such a large role in this nascent possible series, it would make perfect sense for Moorhead and Benson to return at set intervals, like a surreal riff on Linklater's Before... films. The Endless is that rare sequel that doesn't just best its predecessor, but adds more layers to it. If this does grow into an ongoing series, I'm fully onboard.

The Endless is on Arrow Player