Review by Eric Hillis (@hilliseric)
Directed by: Ridley Scott
Starring: Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mara, Sebastian Stan, Sean Bean, Benedict Wong, Michael Pena, Donald Glover, Mackenzie Davis, Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Ejiofor
"There are few things more compelling than watching someone who is really good at their job, and seeing Watney apply scientific ingenuity to every problem posed by a planet whose dirt was never meant to be trod on by human feet is genuinely awe inspiring."

The sci-fi genre has provided Ridley Scott with both the highest (Alien, Blade Runner) and lowest (Prometheus) points of his career, so much was riding on how his adaptation of Andy Weir's 2011 science geek novel would turn out. The good news is it's the veteran director's best work since 1982's Blade Runner.

While I maintain a profound respect for science, it's all gobbledegook to my untrained mind. Scientists may scoff at Watney's actions, but if you're an ignoramus like me, the film does a good job of convincing us that this guy really knows what he's doing. There are few things more compelling than watching someone who is really good at their job, and seeing Watney apply scientific ingenuity to every problem posed by a planet whose dirt was never meant to be trod on by human feet is genuinely awe inspiring. There are few stars with the right combination of charisma and acting chops to pull off this sort of role, and Damon, with his overgrown boy next door charm, is perfectly cast.

There's one aspect of The Martian that's simply too hard to swallow, and it doesn't occur on Mars, but back on earth, where thousands of people gather in the likes of Times Square and Trafalgar Square to watch the rescue mission on giant screens. In reality I suspect an event like this wouldn't even make the front page of most newspapers, unless the stranded astronaut happened to be a Kardashian. After all, we recently landed a robot on a comet and the reaction from a large swathe of the public was to ignore this incredible achievement in favour of lambasting the fashion choice of one of the boffins involved.